About Us
Welcome to the City of Egan! We are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. We take pride in maintaining a wholesome lifestyle, rich in cultural history, along with a deep commitment to the preservation of our environment and a progressive approach to local business.
Egan, South Dakota was founded in 1880 and named after a Milwaukee railroad official. As immigrant homesteaders moved westward from neighboring states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa, many settled in fertile farming areas just across the bordering state. Egan is an example of this movement westward by land hungry homesteaders.
Egan has managed to maintain a steady population within the local farming community. It is a small town with a few local businesses that cater to the surrounding communities. The large grain elevators along the side of the railroad tracks are a positive sign of the prosperity in the area. Egan boasts a large pheasant population that attracts hunters from within South Dakota and the neighboring states.
Picture your next travel stop in Egan, South Dakota!

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